by Order No DI-678 on the 16th of November 2015
of the Director of Gaming Control Authority
under the Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Lithuania


1. The Requirements for remote gambling devices (hereinafter, "Requirements") provide the basic and technical requirements for remote gambling devices used to provide remote gambling services in the Republic of Lithuania.
2. These Requirements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998 amending Directive 98/34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations.
3. The following terms are used in these Requirements—
3.1. "client software" means software designed to conduct remote gambling and installed on the player device;
3.2. "client interface" means the interface between the client's software and internet browser, which the player uses to interact with a remote gambling device;
3.3. "game cycle" means the totality of all actions and communications of a remote gambling device occurring in the course of one game;
3.4. "player device" means a device through which a player participates in remote gambling;
3.5. "game cycle element" means a constituent part of a game, which can only be started after the presentation of the result of the main game and completed before the end of the game cycle;
3.6. "player session" means all actions and communications carried out by a player of confirmed identity and a remote gambling device in the course of the period commencing when the player of confirmed identity connects to the remote gambling device and ending when the player disconnects from the device.
4. Other terms used in the Requirements are in accord with the terms used in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on gambling.
5. Types of remote gambling employing remote gambling devices shall be as follows:
5.1. remote betting - gambling through a remote gambling device by betting on dog or horse races which will not occur in objective reality (i.e. which are invented by the remote gambling device);
5.2. remote bingo - gambling through remote gambling devices which imitate bingo games;
5.3. remote gambling on a Category A machine - gambling through remote gambling devices which imitate gambling on a Category A machine;
5.4. remote gambling on a Category B machine - gambling through remote gambling devices which imitate gambling on a Category B machine;
5.5. remote table games - gambling through remote gambling devices which imitate table games.
5.6. Remote real-time table game – a table game played on a remote gaming device where the event determining the result of the game is generated in real-time and directly by means of mechanical, electronic, or electromechanical equipment and/or a random number generator as well as by means of remote-gaming communication that are given to gamblers.

6. Remote gambling devices must automatically check the following:
6.1. the authenticity of its constituent and other components which affect the outcome of games, through the means of digital signature (for example SHA checksums) or other equivalent methods, at the time when the remote gambling device is switched on and then at a frequency of no more than 24 hours after switching on; and
6.2. the authenticity of the client software (where this is used to connect a remote gambling device and a player device), through the means of digital signature (for example SHA checksums) or other equivalent methods, at the time when the client software establishes a connection to the remote gambling device and then at a frequency of no more than 24 hours after the establishment of the connection.
7. The results of authenticity checks performed by a remote gambling device must be stored in its database for at least 90 calendar days.
8.  A remote gambling device that detects discrepancies of the authenticity of its components (error) shall suspend the operation of all remote gambling that contains the discrepancies (error) and those components that may be affected by these discrepancies (error).
9. Whenever a remote gambling device or client software detects authenticity inconsistencies in constituent components of the client software or detects connection interruptions between the remote gambling device and the client software, they must disable the operation of client software.
10. Remote gambling devices must be designed so as to have the capability to be securely checked, both locally and remotely, to identify at the system level any installed software, including components of the automatic checking software of the remote gambling device itself (hereinafter, "remote gambling device software") and their versions, using a reliable external inspection device prepared by a third party (hereinafter, "external inspection device"). The reliability of external inspection devices must be assessed by an accredited body (laboratory).
11. The design of remote gambling devices must be such as to allow for checking their software with an external inspection device.
12. Remote gambling devices must ensure that only persons authorized to do so are able to change information in their own records and logs of operations (switching on and off of the device, malfunctions, disabling and enabling of games) (hereinafter, "key operations"). When any of the said data are changed, remote gambling devices must log and store the following for at least 90 days:
12.1. the changed data element;
12.2. the initial value of the data element;
12.3. the changed value of the data element;
12.4. the date and time of the data element change; and
12.5. the person who made the change.
13. Remote gambling devices must log and store the following for at least 90 days:
13.1. the player's unique identification number (ID);
13.2. t
13.3. the game status (in progress, completed, etc.);
13.4. the unique identification number of the game and table (if the game was played at a table);
13.5. the unique identification number of the winnings table;
13.6. the identification number and version of gambling software installed on a remote gambling device;
13.7. the version of client software (where this is used); and
13.8. information on the reasons for disabling and enabling games and player sessions.
14. Remote gambling devices must have an internal clock which keeps the date and time or a built-in timestamp server (hereinafter, "internal clock"), which shall be used to:
14.1. form timestamps for key operation;
14.2. prepare reports;
14.3. form timestamps for bets placed and gambling operations carried out.
15. The time kept by the internal clock of a remote gambling device must be clearly visible to the player at all times.
16. Remote gambling devices must be able to reproduce the following gambling data for at least the last game played by a player:
16.1. the date and time when a game starts and finishes;
16.2. the amount of money or credits possessed by a player prior to and after a game;
16.3. the total amount of bets;
16.4. the amount of money won or the number of credits;
16.5. t
16.6. the total amount of money won or the number of credits;
16.7. gambling offers;
16.8. gambling operations and their results;
16.9. choices made by the player while gambling and their outcomes;
16.10. results of game cycle elements; and
16.11. a replay of the entire game.
17. Client software and player devices may not:
17.1. have logic that generates game results;
17.2. continue games after loss of connection to the remote gambling device; or
17.3. store restricted data.
18. Exchange of data between and among client software and player devices, except for chat (text, audio, video, etc.) and permitted files (photo and user description, other photos, etc.), shall be prohibited.
19. Data transmission between remote gambling devices and client software must be encrypted.
20. Client software functions unrelated to games must not influence gambling.
21. Prior to initializing a player session, client software, and the remote gambling device must detect any incompatibilities or limitations which would prevent client software from working adequately with the remote gambling device.
22. Whenever a remote gambling device detects incompatibilities or limitations, the following must be performed:
22.1. the player must be informed about the incompatibilities or limitations detected; and
22.2. a player session must not be initialized until the incompatibilities or limitations have been removed.
22.3. Remote gambling devices must have the capability to disable and enable all or certain games and player sessions.

23. The purpose of touching (pressing) areas depicted in the player interface must be clearly indicated adjacent to the respective areas and/or in the game rules. Touching (pressing) areas and keyboard key combinations lacking a description may not appear in the player interface.
24. Amounts of money represented in the player interface must be in a currency which is a lawful payment and settlement instrument in the Republic of Lithuania.
25. Any player interface or website accessible through an active link displayed in a clearly visible place in another player interface must at all times provide the possibility to familiarise oneself with the rules of the game.
26. In the rules of the game, illustrations, payment tables, and help screens, all claims and images must be clear and not be misleading to the player. They must also contain the following:
26.1. information on how costs related to acceptance of bets and paying of winnings will be shared (transfer and other costs, if any), and their amount of these costs will be deducted from the player's prize money;
26.2. indicates the theoretical percentage of the winning fund and explains in detail the way it has been set up and how the player can achieve it (e.g., by using an optimal strategy);
26.3. data of winnings tables (This information must include all lucky outcomes and combinations together with the corresponding prize payments expressed as values and in a currency which is a lawful payment and settlement instrument in the Republic of Lithuania. All prize payments and methods must be theoretically possible.);
26.4. explanation of how to play all elements of the game;
26.5. the procedure for ending and canceling unfinished game cycles.
27. The maximum prize must be attainable in one game cycle.
28. Game cycles may only be started after all of the following conditions have been met:
28.1. the player's gambling account has a sufficient amount of money;
28.2. the player has allocated a sufficient amount of money or credit for the game;
28.3. the player has pressed and released the game-starter button (for example, "Play") or performed an equivalent action.
29. In addition to the main game, a game cycle may have the following game cycle elements:
29.1. games, which determine entitlement to free games;
29.2. bonus "second screen" games;
29.3. games where the player has a right of choice;
29.4. games with rules which allow allocating an additional amount of money or credits; and
29.5. secondary gambling functions, i.e. risk options (risk-taking functions).
30. A play cycle shall be considered completed when the amount of money or credits in the player's respective counters is fully reached or lost.
31. A play cycle shall not be considered complete when its result is undetermined or is not clearly visible to the player.
32. Unfinished game cycles must be completed prior to starting a new game cycle.
33. When players connect to a remote gambling device, the device must present an unfinished game cycle for the player to finish it.
33.1. Where the player does not need to perform any actions in order to finish a previously unfinished game cycle, the remote gambling device must display to the player the final result of the game cycle and account for the amount of money or credits in the player's respective counters.
33.2. Where the player does need to perform actions in order to finish a previously unfinished game cycle, the remote gambling device must return the player to the position in the game cycle where the player was prior to the game being interrupted.
34. Remote gambling devices must hold any bets placed in unfinished game cycles which can still be completed until this is done. Remote gambling devices must clearly display to the player any amounts of money which are on hold in unfinished game cycles.
35. In the event of remote gambling device malfunctions which prevent the completion of a game cycle, the remote gambling device must cancel such a cycle and refund the bets placed by the player.
36. The following information must be visible to and easy to locate for the player at all times in the course of a game cycle:
36.1. the name of the game being played;
36.2. limits on gambling or bets, such as limits on the duration of gambling, maximum prize value, etc.;
36.3. gambling offers;
36.4. gambling operations and their results;
36.5. the balance of player's current session; and
36.6. the value of the bet placed (this information must be displayed in-game cycle elements where the player can place or increase bets);
36.7. the value of winnings in the completed game cycle (this information must be displayed until another game cycle is started or bet selections are changed);
36.8. selections made by the player in the course of the completed game cycle (this information must be displayed until another game cycle is started or until selection changes are made);
36.9. the player's initial selections and player's selection options once the game cycle has started;
36.10. values of winnings for each bet separately and the total amount of winnings;
36.11. the series and number of the special identification mark issued by the Gaming Control Authority under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania; and
36.12. the identification number and version of the client software.
37. Gambling through a player interface may not be started before the relevant counter readings, connection information, and player's session balance for that interface have been updated in the remote gambling device.
38. Gambling may not be started automatically when:
38.1. a game is being selected;
38.2. the player's gambling account has a sufficient amount of money for gambling; or
38.3. the game-starter button has been pressed and held down.
39. A game must not create a false impression for the player that the player is able to control the course of the game using a skill.
40. Gambling functions that influence the creation of any game result or outcome must be performed by the remote gambling device. Their performance must be independent of external factors and devices.
41. Remote gambling devices must display each game result selected and may not change this result.
42. Remote gambling devices which imitate real devices and their operation (revolving discs, rolling dice, flipping coins, dealing cards, etc.) must ensure that:
42.1. the imitation it creates corresponds to the behavior and appearance of the real device;
42.2. the probability of any event which may occur in the course of the imitation must be equivalent to the probability of the same event occurring on the real device;
42.3. when several real devices are imitated in the course of a game, the device imitations must be independent of each other.
43. The share percent of the prize pool (where a pool is formed) must not be less than the percent stated in the rules of the game when an optimal strategy is played in accordance with the information provided in the rules.
44. Any strategy advice or automatic delays must be fair, not be misleading, not present a bad choice, and ensure the minimum share percent of the prize pool.
45. Players must have the possibility to adjust automatic delays and strategy.
46. Games in which the result depends on the player's physical skill and/or reaction time to the gambling device shall be prohibited.
47. Random number generators used in remote gambling must be statistically independent and evenly distributed, and their reliability level (confidence interval) must be at least 99 %.
48. Any sorting or distribution method used by a remote gambling device must ensure that all described game results are achievable and created in accordance with prevailing probabilities. Any sorting and matching algorithms must not be biased.
49. Random number generators must continually generate random numbers irrespective of whether they are being used at a given time to select a game result or not.

50. The share percent of a prize pool must be:
50.1. no less than 90 % and no more than 100 % of the total sum of bets received for Category A games; and
50.2. no less than 80 % and no more than 100 % of the total sum of bets received for Category B games.
51. The duration of a single game must be:
51.1. at least 1 second for Category A games; and
51.2. at least 3 seconds for Category B games.
52. In Category B games, the maximum bet value shall be EUR 0.5, while the winnings per single game must not be more than 200 times greater than the amount bet.

53. Use of software imitating a gambler shall be prohibited.
54. Remote gambling devices which enable players to play remote table games against one another must:
54.1. warn players about how software imitating a gambler used by other players can influence the game and must provide the possibility for players to inform the gambling organizer about the potential use of such software; and
54.2. ensure that anyone player is unable to take more than one gambling seat at the table.

541. When playing with a remote gaming device that allows players to gamble in remote table games against each other, a gambler can participate in more than one gaming cycle at a time.


55.  Remote real-time table game must be continuously filmed in such a way that the video record would clearly show the gambling activity and the actions performed by the croupier (if the event determining the result of the game is generated with the help of a croupier) and make it possible to determine whether the game is played in accordance with the approved rules.
56. The video records referred to in Article 55 of the requirements shall have a timestamp and be stored for 90 days.
57. The electronic, electromechanical, and mechanical equipment used to hold remote real-time table games must ensure that the game result is random.

Last updated: 20-02-2024