
​​​​​​​Self-restriction – more women, fewer young people

By performing the routine functions The Gaming Control Authority seeks to protect the interests of both licensed gaming operators and gamblers. More attention is paid to the most sensitive and vulnerable groups of society (minors, problem gamblers), for which irresponsible gambling can be harmful or even disastrous.

Measures minimizing the negative impact of gambling on society are provided in the Gaming Law of the gamblers Republic of Lithuania. One of the measures aimed to protect from uncontrolled/excessive gambling is the submission of applications to prevent gambling (self-exclusion from gambling).

By the end of 2020, the number of persons self-excluded from gambling in Lithuania was 17,348 in total (5 816 self-exclusions during 2020). By the end of 2018, this number was 6 453, of 2019 – 11 532.

When analyzing the statistical data we observe a rise in the number of women when comparing December 2020 and 2019 - there were 7 % self-excluded women in December 2019 while in December 2020 this figure was 10 %.

In 2020, we see also for the first time a decrease in the age group of 18 -20 years since 2017: in 2017 they made 6 % of all self-excluded persons, in 2018 – 8 %, in 2019 – 9 %, and finally in 2020 – 6 %. This small change is a possible sign that younger people are starting to look at their gambling more responsibly and self-restriction as an aid measure such is not necessary for them.

In the last year, the most active age groups remain 21-30 and 31-40. In the age group of 21 – 30 we observe a similar trend: since 2017 increasing percentage of self-restricted persons decreased slightly in 2020 (2017 - 49%, 2018 - 51%, 2019 - 52%, o 2020 m.- 48%).

On the other hand, self-exclusion among those aged 31 to 40 increased from 36% to 42%.

The proportion of self-excluded gamblers aged 51 or older remains stable at 4% per year.

The Gaming Control Authority will continue to make every effort to maintain a balance between a legally provided service and a responsible approach to it. We invite everyone who chooses this kind of entertainment to always remember that gambling is only one form of leisure and that uncontrolled gambling can have negative consequences.

All your questions related to the supervision of gambling and lotteries are welcome, please contact our specialists by writing us at [email protected].